About you Email Address Please enter the email address you want your Modeller results sent to.
About the scheme Scheme name
Number of members The total number of members in your scheme. That is, all current and future pensioners as well as dependants with a current pension in payment. You can find this in your Scheme Return or Trustee Report & Accounts. Do not include any members covered by an insured annuity policy, or any contingent beneficiaries.
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Number of members (input)
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Number of members (group 1) P1
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Number of members (group 1) P2
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Number of members (group 1) P3
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Number of members (group 2) P1
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Number of members (group 2) P2
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Number of members (group 2) P3
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Number of members (group 3) P1
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Number of members (group 3) P2
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Number of members (group 3) P3
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Number of members (group 4) P1
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Number of members (group 4) P2
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Number of members (group 4) P3
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Number of members (group 5) P1
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Number of members (group 5) P2
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Number of members (group 5) P3
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Members Discount Amount (P1 Total)
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Members Discount Amount (P2 Total)
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Members Discount Amount (P3 Total)
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Scheme Modelled £ per member
Assets in £ millions The latest assets of the scheme (excluding the value of any insured annuity policies). This can be found in your Scheme Return or Trustee Report & Accounts.
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Assets in £ millions input
Use Bespoke Modeller? Use Bespoke Modeller? Running costs Use Total or Breakdown? This should include all running costs excluding investment management fees and PPF levies. This can usually be found in your Trustee Report & Accounts. If your employer meets some or all of the scheme’s running costs directly, you may need to look at the expenses recorded in the pension disclosure notes in its latest Annual Report & Accounts, and add those in.
Total Costs Last year's total costs £ This field is hidden when viewing the form
Last year's total costs input
Total costs in previous year £ This field is hidden when viewing the form
Total costs in previous input
Total costs in year before that £ This field is hidden when viewing the form
Total cost in year before input
Running costs breakdown Administration
Administration previous year
Administration year before that
Actuarial previous year
Actuarial year before that
Investment consulting
Investment consulting previous year
Investment consulting year before that
Legal previous year
Legal year before that
Covenant previous year
Covenant year before that
Audit previous year
Audit year before that
Trustee previous year
Trustee year before that
Other previous year
Other year before that
Risk-based PPF levy Please record only the risk-based element of the levy. This can be found on the first page of the protection levy invoice issued by the PPF each autumn.
Last year's risk-based levy £ Please record only the risk-based element of the levy. This can be found on the first page of the protection levy invoice issued by the PPF each autumn.
Risk-based levy in previous year £ Risk-based levy in year before that £ This field is hidden when viewing the form
Last year's levy input
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Levy in previous year input
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Levy in year before that input
Proportion of scheme's benefits in payment: Proportion current pensioners (%) Please calculate this using your Technical Provisions (‘TP’ i.e. funding liabilities) by dividing the TP liability figure for current pensioners by the total TP liabilities (where the latter excludes any expense reserve). Remember to exclude any liabilities of members covered by an insured annuity policy from both these figures. You can find these figures in your latest Actuarial Valuation Report or in your Scheme Return.
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Ratio of pensioner TPs (Input) If you are unsure, leave the default value of 40%
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2045 Support Calculations This field is hidden when viewing the form
(Support Calcs) Proportion of membership remaining in 2045 %
This field is hidden when viewing the form
(Support Calcs) Number of members in scheme (2045)
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2045 Number of members (group 1) P1
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2045 Number of members (group 1) P2
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2045 Number of members (group 1) P3
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2045 Number of members (group 2) P1
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2045 Number of members (group 2) P2
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2045 Number of members (group 2) P3
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2045 Number of members (group 3) P1
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2045 Number of members (group 3) P2
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2045 Number of members (group 3) P3
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2045 Number of members (group 4) P1
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2045 Number of members (group 4) P2
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2045 Number of members (group 4) P3
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2045 Number of members (group 5) P1
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2045 Number of members (group 5) P2
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2045 Number of members (group 5) P3
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2045 Members Discount Amount (P1 Total)
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2045 Members Discount Amount (P2 Total)
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2045 Members Discount Amount (P3 Total)
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2045 Scheme Modelled £ per member
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2045 Scheme Modelled £ per member (FINAL)
Latest buy-out estimate: Buy-out funding level % You can find this figure in your latest Actuarial Valuation Report (some schemes may refer to this as your ‘solvency’ of ‘Section 75’ liabilities, obligations, or debt). If you are using your latest Scheme Return, or you have members covered by an insured annuity policy, please calculate it as follows. Take the total buy-out liabilities excluding the liabilities in respect of any insured annuity policies, add the expense estimate to wind-up the scheme, and divide the total by the market value of the scheme’s assets, excluding the value of any insured annuity policies).
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Buy-out funding level (input) If unsure, leave as the default of 77%
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Calculations These will be hidden/invisible
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Your schemes running costs This field is hidden when viewing the form
Last year's total costs
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Last year's total costs confirmed?
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Previous year's total costs
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Previous year's total costs confirmed?
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Year before thats total costs
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Year before thats total costs confirmed?
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Years entered
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Scheme's (average) annual total running cost
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Modeller On/Off
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Your costs per member (2020)
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PPF Levy Savings This field is hidden when viewing the form
Last year's levy input confirmed?
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Previous year's levy input confirmed?
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Year before thats levy input confirmed?
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Years entered PPF
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Scheme's (average) annual PPF levy
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Stoneport PPF levy discount
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Stoneport PPF levy
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Stoneport PPF levy saving (2023)
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Stoneports Running Costs This field is hidden when viewing the form
Stoneport base fee (per member)
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Stoneport licence fee (fixed per scheme)
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Stoneport licence fee (per member)
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Stoneport costs per member (2020)
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Proportion of membership remaining in 2045 %
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All 2020 values i.e. not inflated to 2045 This field is hidden when viewing the form
Number of members in scheme (2020)
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Number of members in scheme (2045)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Stoneport costs per member (2020)
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Stoneport costs per member (2045)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Stoneport costs for scheme (2020)
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Stoneport costs for scheme (2045)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Scheme costs per member (2020)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Scheme costs per member (2045)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Scheme costs per member (2045) bespoke
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Saving from joining Stoneport This field is hidden when viewing the form
Per member (per annum) (2023)
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Per member (per annum) (2045)
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Per member (per annum) (2045) bespoke
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Scheme (per annum) (2023)
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Scheme (per annum) (2045)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Scheme (per annum) (2045) bespoke
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Period from centralisation to buy-out
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NPV of running cost savings (23 years)
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NPV of running cost savings (23 years) bespoke
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NPV running cost savings as a % assets
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Buy-out saving This field is hidden when viewing the form
Estimated buy-out liability (unrounded)
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Stoneport discount (% buy-out premium)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Buyout premium saving (2020 value)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Governance boost This field is hidden when viewing the form
AUM remaining in 2045 (modelled)
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GB Model Scenario This field is hidden when viewing the form
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Low Year 1
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Low NPV (23 years)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Medium BPS
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Medium Year 1
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Medium NPV (23 years)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Higher BPS
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Higher Year 1
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Higher NPV (23 years)
Terms GDPR Statement* Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.